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Greening theatre news

Recent news

Bush Theatre 'show and tell' - 15 January 2013

The Bush Theatre is hosting a green lighting show and tell on 15 January from 6:30pm to 10:00pm at the theatre, 7 Uxbridge Road, London.
You should bring something green (the show & tell bit). Some ideas are:
- A green lighting product - low energy/easy to recycle/...
- Some information about what you are doing
- Some things that you tried that did (or did not) work
- Ideas on how to get everyone to help you.
For more information, visit the event description.

Arcola Green Sunday - 10 December

Arcola Theatre is celebrating the completion of their new building by hosting a Green Sunday - Eating, Heating and Season's Greetings, on December 9, 2012 from 2pm to 6pm. It takes place at the the theatre, 24 Ashwin St, E8 3DL.

- A tasty local food and drink fayre celebrating our new local sustainable bar suppliers
- An uplifting performance by Hackney Voices Community Choir
- Tours exploring the sustainable improvements at Arcola: a renewable energy heating system (biomass / solar thermal), solar pv-powered DC microgrids, natural ventilation
- A panel discussion of Arcola's progress towards carbon neutrality with some of the experts helping us along the way
- A Give and Take event organised by Forest Recycling Project: a chance to get the perfect Christmas gift
More information here.

Green Theatre Network session at ICA - 28 November

Julie's Bicycle, LIFT and the ICA are holding a Green Theatre Network session on delivering sustainable power to the performing arts sector, 28th November 14.00 - 18.30 in the Members Room, ICA, London

On the back of recent work with the festivals and outdoor events industry, Julie's Bicycle is developing a new approach to power which will help both site-specific work and venue-based productions reduce the carbon and costs attached to energy.

Aimed at production managers and producers, the afternoon will host discussions and explore practical guidance on how renewable energy solutions and efficiency measures can improve environmental performance. We aim to make the afternoon as practical as possible, demonstrating technology and practice directly applicable to the performing arts, and case studies of companies that are already using and benefiting from a more sustainable approach.

For further information on the program and speakers check the event details.

title:  Headlines

»  New productions:
In This Place - Wed's & Sat's in Sept
»  'Spirit in the Air' measures the climate impacts of Edinburgh Festivals - exhibition, events, talks
2 - 22 August
»  Southbanquet at the South Bank, 31 August and 1 September
»  People Profit Planet at World Stage Design 2013
5 - 15 September
»  Our pick of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe
»  Edinburgh International Festival - 'Leaving Planet Earth'
»  Environmental Art Festival Scotland - 30 Aug - 2 Sept
headline acts: Cinema Sark, The Rise and Fall of the Grey Mare’s Tail, Gimme Shelter, Glimpse
»  14 ways to look at Scotland: 14 arts projects for Year of Natural Scotland
»  Mayor's Thames Festival - 6 - 15 September
»  Exhibitions:
Aquatopia - 20 July-22 Sept
»  Conferences
»  Events
»  Seminars and talks
»  Workshops
»  TippingPoint starts crowd-sourced database of climate art
»  'Actipedia' - crowd-sourced database of activist art - goes online
»  CCANW moves to Innovation Centre at University of Exeter
»  'Oceans': Tania Kovats and Fruitmarket Gallery ask for bottles of sea water for 2014 exhibition
»  'On Ecology' edition of Performance Research published online
»  'Environmentalism' edition of Research in Drama Education published online
»  Kieran Lynn wins Nick Darke Award
»  Greening theatre news
»  The Man Who Planted Trees receives 2012 Award for Sustainable Production at the Edinburgh Fringe
»  New books:
The Oil Road
Dark Mountain 3
The Book of Barely Imagined Beings
Readings in Performance and Ecology
Beautiful Trouble. A Toolbox for Revolution
»  New Green Canterbury Tales: call for storytellers to make a pilgrimage
»  Creu Cymru partners with Julies' Bicycle to support sustainability of 42 Welsh venues
»  Julie's Bicycle and The Theatres Trust publish 'Energising Culture'
»  'Culture and Climate Change: Recordings' available as a book, as an online pdf and as podcasts
»  Arts Council England embeds environmental sustainability into funding agreements
»  $750,000 (£470,000) funding for US musical about climate change - reviews are in
»  Canadian Theatre Review focuses on 'Theatre in an Age of Eco-Crisis'
»  Sustainable theatres:
Julie's Bicycle's theatre plan
Sustainable Abilities online
toolkit from Mo'olelo
EMERGENCE: creative practices and sustainable futures
new builds: Small World, Green Light Trust, Arcola
»  Listen, watch, read: podcasts, videos and essays
Latest additions:
> TJ Demos: on dOCUMENTA (13), gardens, biotech & on Art After Nature
> TippingPoint Newcastle
> Wendell Berry: 'It All Turns on Affection'
> David Abram at Sensory Worlds
»  Library:
'Survival of the Beautiful'
Mojisola Adebayo's collected plays
'Metaphors for Environmental Sustainabliity'
'Mediating Climate Change'
'Theatre Materials'
»  E-script online: 'The Last Cuckoo'
»  CSPA 2011 Fringe Awards for Sustainable Production:
2011- 'Allotment'
2010 - 'The Pantry Shelf'
»  Recent news and still interesting
Sideways through Belgium
Not Waving but Drowning (LIFT event)
Ackroyd & Harvey in conversation
Choreographing Capital (Isaac Julien & David Harvey)
PSi#18 - a lot of ecology
and more ...
»  Recent productions, including:
My Last Car, As the World Tipped, SEVEN ANGLES, Fissure, The Heretic, Greenland, Earthquakes in London, 3rd Ring Out, PROTOZOA, Grasses of a Thousand Colours, The Contingency Plan, Zameen, Moj of the Antarctic ...
»  Exhibitions archive

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