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Recent events

Global Power Shift / Artshift
Istanbul, Turkey
Phase 1: 10 - 17 June 2013

Global Powershift is an international, bi-annual gathering of 500 young climate change organizers. One major focus will be on creative activism, including workshops and skillshares in puppetry, mass production for mass mobilizations, subvertising, street art and street theater, creative non-violent direct action, activist animation, reality correction, historical reclamation, chants and protest songs, and more.

Phase 1 is this summit in Instanbul. 500 grassroots activists and leaders from around the world will meet, train, share skills and stories, and prepare for the next phase of the global climate movement.

In Phase 2, during 2013 - 2014, these young leaders will fan out across the world to catalyze national movements calling for bold climate action. Through a series of national summits and training, they intend to unleash a new wave of climate activism.

Applications to attend the Istanbul summit are now closed. More information on Phase 2 to follow.

Global Power Shift was initiated and is being led by, a youth-led network co-founded by environmental writer Bill McKibben. They are teaming up with Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth International,, Cycan and others from across the international youth climate movement.

Homing in: the aesthetics of sustainability
Aberystwyth Arts Centre
14 June 2013

This one day event, organised by Aberystwyth and Cardiff Universities, in partnership with the Aberystwyth Arts Centre, is part of an Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) project investigating the relationship between arts practices, sense-making and sustainability in Wales.

The event draws on the successful format used at the Philosophy Cafe in Cardiff, and aims to enable dialogues between artists, activists, local people and academics interested in ecology and environment.

The day will consist of a series of showings, panel discussions and café-style conversations exploring how artists might contribute towards the production of sustainable places.

The event will commence at 10.00 am in the Aberystwyth Arts Cinema and centre on the work of Jony Easterby, Jane Lloyd Francis, Siriol Joyner, and Simon Whitehead. Panelists include Jane Archer, Matt Jarvis, Richard Downing, Ria Dunckley and Reuben Knutson

At 2.30 pm, Dr Chris Groves will run a philosophy cafe in the upstairs bar of the Arts Centre.

At 6.30 pm, the cinema will screen Gideon Koppel's award winning film Sleep Furiously. The day will end with a discussion between Gideon Koppel, the poet Damien Walford Davies and film theorist Kim Knowles.

For further information contact Dr Carl Lavery.

Maynard, come home ...
curated by Simon Whitehead
Abercych, Pembrokeshire
11-12 May 2013

A dancer lies on the ground, looks at the sky and breathes in the clouds ... a spacewalking Apollo 9 astronaut describes his view of the earth ... an embryo performs growth gestures in utero and a raven flies the same territory its whole life.

Home is a complex web of phenomena and reflects a universal and interspecies drive for safety and shelter. How are we adapting our relationships to home in environmentally and culturally contested times?

In a 2-day event in the village of Abercych, Pembrokeshire, a gathering of dance artists’ perform, screen and workshop their questions about Home and Homecoming.

With contributions from Simon Whitehead, Rosemary Lee, Anushiye Yarnell, Bwyd Sonique, Ben Stammers, Siriol Joiner and Joanna Young. Films from Henry Montes and Marcus Coates, Jess Lerner and Tanja Saed.

For more information, contact Carl Lavery at Aberysthywth University.

The White Building, Hackney Wick
Unit 7, Queen's Yard, White Post Lane
London, E9 5EN
18 April, 7:30pm
free - limited space, first-come-first in

Three years after the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, the Live Art Development Agency, Platform and Liberate Tate are holding an evening of performance, screenings and discussion about the ethical implications of business, and particularly oil, sponsorship of the arts.

The evening will feature:
> a retrospective of films of Liberate Tate's unsanctioned performances in gallery spaces, including the premiere of a new cut of The Gift, documenting the installation of a 16.5m wind turbine blade in Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall
> the launch of a new edition of the Agency’s Study Room Guide written by Jane Trowell of Platform, 'Take the Money and Run?'
> a performance of Mel Evan’s 'How NOT to make friends with Nicholas Serota but to get archived at Tate anyway', in the form of a flow diagram
> a discussion on ethics, performance, oil sponsorship, public responsibilities, and future strategies with Judith Knight, Artsadmin; Cecilia Wee, artist, writer, curator; Dr Sophie Hope, Birkbeck College; and Liz Hill, arts professional.

Our Time in Ice
ONCA Gallery
14 St. George's Place, Brighton
readings: 9 February, 7:30pm
scratch performance: 10 April, 8:00pm

There will be two readings as part of the 'Our Time in Ice' show at the ONCA Gallery (One Nature for Conservation and the Arts). Dark Mountain author Nick Hunt will read from his short story, In the Valley. Persephone Pearl, from Feral Theatre, will read from Paul Shephard's 1992 essay 'Nature and Madness'. Tom Cook will provide live music.

On 10 February, Feral Theatre presents a scratch performance of White Bear River, their new play inspired by the Labrador Journals of 18th century hunter and colonist George Cartwright.

Music and Movement through Landscape
Roxy Bar and Screen
128-132 Borough High Street, London SE1 1LB
25 February 2013, 7:30 pm

Passengerfilms, the cultural geography cinema, are hosting 'Music and Movement Through Landscape'. They'll be screening From the Sea to the Land Beyond (2012), which combines archival BFI footage with an original score by British Sea Power, as well as Way to the Sea (1936), with music by Benjamin Britten. Dr. Julie Brown (Reader in Music, RHUL) will speak on the musical dimensions of the 1924 film Epic of Everest, and the collective Cabinet of Living Cinema will explore our aesthetic relationship with the seascape and coastline with a live performance.

The Long Run
Gregg Whelan in conversation with David Williams
Anatomy Museum, King’s College London, Strand Campus, Room K6.29
11 February 2013, 6:30pm

This conversation between Gregg Whelan (Lone Twin) and David Williams, (Royal Holloway, University of London) is fully titled: Performing From The Back Of The Pack: Endurance Running, Performance and Humanness

From the description:

    We are born runners, as the fields of human biology, archaeology and anthropology attest. It is the thing we did that made us human, it was, and is, our first performance, certainly our first art form.

    Largely ignored by the arts and humanities across the last two centuries, due perhaps to its mass popularity as entertainment and more recently as exercise (the arts prefer to walk), running has marked our bodies, and cultural activity for many millions of years. Though not at ease when we run, we are nevertheless easily evoking a complex set of social, cultural and political practices that produce, in direct terms, humanness, and chafing.

This conversation is a part of the King’s College London ‘Performing From’ series.

The Fruit Machine (a painting and an opera)
by Edwin Burdis
Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge
16 January 2013, 6:30pm

There will be a special presentation of Edwin Burdis’ new work The Fruit Machine (a painting and an opera) which he developed during his residency at Wysing in November and December 2012.

The allegorical painting by Burdis, which occupies most of Wysing’s gallery space, depicts, with absurdity, how we on Earth use and abuse our fruits and resources to fulfill our own desires.

Artist and poet Heather Phillipson has created a libretto to a musical score by Burdis which will be played on the evening.

Tamar Art Project: 'The Urgency of Rivers and the Role of Contemporary Art'
public event, exhibition, gallery talks
8 - 11 January 2013

The Tamar Art Project is a programme of contemporary art commissions and international art events that explore and reflect the context of the River Tamar.

'The Urgency of Rivers and the Role of Contemporary Art' is an evening talk and panel discussion with artists and arts organisations looking to rivers as a space to create contemporary art. The event will include speakers from the Canal and River Trust, Caught by the River, Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, and the current artist in residence artist Adam Chodzko.
Details: 10 January 2013, Peninsula Arts Gallery, Plymouth, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, booking essential on 01752-585050.

Chodzko is exploring and archiving voyages of discovery with passengers from rural Devon and Cornwall to Urban Plymouth. The exhibition at the Peninsula Art Gallery is on from 8 - 11 January. Gallery talks are from 9 - 11 January at 1:00 - 2:30 pm.

TEDx Whitechapel
'Visions for Transition'
Artsadmin's Toynbee Studios
28 Commercial Street, London, E1 6AB
12 January 2013, 10:00am - 6:30pm

This independently organised TED event is brought together by a team of young people inspired to assist in a global transformation to a more responsible, sustainable and beautiful world. The co-curators are Amrita Bhohi, Stefana Bosse, Jennifer Tessler. The event is supported by Artsadmin.

The speakers will be exploring visionary and ecological solutions from diverse perspectives of human experience. They include Charles Eisenstein, economist; Polly Higgins of Earth Law; Satish Kumar, educationalist; Rupert Sheldrake, scientist; Raoul Martinez, artist and filmmaker; and Graham Hancock, historian.

The artists and performers include storyteller Ben MacFadyen and Feral Theatre who will be performing The Last of the Curlews, one of three stories from their 2012 play, Triptych.

Dark Mountain . Volume 3
book launch
The Forest Cafe, 141 Lauriston Place
Edinburgh EH3 9JN
7 December 2012

Dark Mountain's third edition of 'Uncivilised' writing and art will be launched in Edinburgh on 7 December.

In addition to readings from Em Strang, Paul Kingsnorth and Thomas Keyes, there will by music by Mairi Campbell and Hailey Beavis.

Submissions are open for Book 4.

Crude Killings - Climate, Race and Poverty
Virtual Migrants
International Anthony Burgess Foundation
3 Cambridge Street, Engine House, Chorlton Mill, Manchester M1 5BY
28 November 2012

Virtual Migrants present an evening of live music, spoken word and a panel discussion in response to Platform's new book The Oil Road.

The performers include:
Sai Murray, poetry / spoken word; Aidan Jolly, music; Tracey Zengeni, vocals, Tanha Mehrzad, multi-media projection, poetry

The panel includes:
James Marriott, Platform & co-author of the Oil Road; Anna Galkina, Platform; Jaya Graves, Southern Voices; Deyika Nzeribe, Hulme Green Party, Marc Hudson, Steady State Manchester; Kooj Chuhan (chair), Virtual Migrants.

Toynbee Studios
28 Commercial Street London E1 6AB
14 November 2012

Five writers interested in climate change, the environment and the city come together in an evening of readings and discussion.

Writer Tom Chivers maps the hidden urban environment in a new poetry project ADRIFT. Daniel Kramb reads from From Here, his new book about climate change activism. Rachel Lichtenstein reads from her new book Diamond Street and explores the underground Fleet River. Michael McKimm investigates the poetics of geology. And Ruth Little of Cape Farewell discusses her experiences of expeditions to Greenland and the Scottish Islands.

The evening is produced by Penned in the Margins in association with Cape Farewell.

title:  Headlines

»  New productions:
In This Place - Wed's & Sat's in Sept
»  'Spirit in the Air' measures the climate impacts of Edinburgh Festivals - exhibition, events, talks
2 - 22 August
»  Southbanquet at the South Bank, 31 August and 1 September
»  People Profit Planet at World Stage Design 2013
5 - 15 September
»  Our pick of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe
»  Edinburgh International Festival - 'Leaving Planet Earth'
»  Environmental Art Festival Scotland - 30 Aug - 2 Sept
headline acts: Cinema Sark, The Rise and Fall of the Grey Mare’s Tail, Gimme Shelter, Glimpse
»  14 ways to look at Scotland: 14 arts projects for Year of Natural Scotland
»  Mayor's Thames Festival - 6 - 15 September
»  Exhibitions:
Aquatopia - 20 July-22 Sept
»  Conferences
»  Events
»  Seminars and talks
»  Workshops
»  TippingPoint starts crowd-sourced database of climate art
»  'Actipedia' - crowd-sourced database of activist art - goes online
»  CCANW moves to Innovation Centre at University of Exeter
»  'Oceans': Tania Kovats and Fruitmarket Gallery ask for bottles of sea water for 2014 exhibition
»  'On Ecology' edition of Performance Research published online
»  'Environmentalism' edition of Research in Drama Education published online
»  Kieran Lynn wins Nick Darke Award
»  Greening theatre news
»  The Man Who Planted Trees receives 2012 Award for Sustainable Production at the Edinburgh Fringe
»  New books:
The Oil Road
Dark Mountain 3
The Book of Barely Imagined Beings
Readings in Performance and Ecology
Beautiful Trouble. A Toolbox for Revolution
»  New Green Canterbury Tales: call for storytellers to make a pilgrimage
»  Creu Cymru partners with Julies' Bicycle to support sustainability of 42 Welsh venues
»  Julie's Bicycle and The Theatres Trust publish 'Energising Culture'
»  'Culture and Climate Change: Recordings' available as a book, as an online pdf and as podcasts
»  Arts Council England embeds environmental sustainability into funding agreements
»  $750,000 (£470,000) funding for US musical about climate change - reviews are in
»  Canadian Theatre Review focuses on 'Theatre in an Age of Eco-Crisis'
»  Sustainable theatres:
Julie's Bicycle's theatre plan
Sustainable Abilities online
toolkit from Mo'olelo
EMERGENCE: creative practices and sustainable futures
new builds: Small World, Green Light Trust, Arcola
»  Listen, watch, read: podcasts, videos and essays
Latest additions:
> TJ Demos: on dOCUMENTA (13), gardens, biotech & on Art After Nature
> TippingPoint Newcastle
> Wendell Berry: 'It All Turns on Affection'
> David Abram at Sensory Worlds
»  Library:
'Survival of the Beautiful'
Mojisola Adebayo's collected plays
'Metaphors for Environmental Sustainabliity'
'Mediating Climate Change'
'Theatre Materials'
»  E-script online: 'The Last Cuckoo'
»  CSPA 2011 Fringe Awards for Sustainable Production:
2011- 'Allotment'
2010 - 'The Pantry Shelf'
»  Recent news and still interesting
Sideways through Belgium
Not Waving but Drowning (LIFT event)
Ackroyd & Harvey in conversation
Choreographing Capital (Isaac Julien & David Harvey)
PSi#18 - a lot of ecology
and more ...
»  Recent productions, including:
My Last Car, As the World Tipped, SEVEN ANGLES, Fissure, The Heretic, Greenland, Earthquakes in London, 3rd Ring Out, PROTOZOA, Grasses of a Thousand Colours, The Contingency Plan, Zameen, Moj of the Antarctic ...
»  Exhibitions archive

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