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All Productions & Projects

2071, 2014
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Royal Court Theatre - Jerwood Theatre Downstairs
An Enemy of the People, 2014
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Barbican / Schaubuhne Berlin
The Gathering / Yr Helfa, 2014
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Louise Ann Wilson Company
Calling Tree, 2014
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Rosemary Lee & Simon Whitehead
The Comedy of Errors, 2014, 2015
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The HandleBards
Edinburgh Festival Fringe, 2014
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Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2014
Gaia Theory, 2014
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BBC Proms
Hunger for Trade, 2014
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Royal Exchange Theatre
Red Forest, 2014
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Belarus Free Theatre - Young Vic
Invisible Giant, 2014
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Feral Theatre
Kes, 2014
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Sheffield Crucible
Red Sun, 2014
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Aberystwyth University, Department of Theatre
Protest Song, 2013
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National Theatre - The Shed
Antarctica, 2013
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Bristol Old Vic
How the Whale Became, 2013
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Royal Opera House - Linbury Studio
The Elephantom, 2013
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National Theatre - The Shed
In This Place, 2013
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Pentabus Theatre
Aurora, 2013
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Cheese, 2013
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Gorilla, 2013
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Polka Theatre
Storm in a Flower Vase, 2013
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Arts Theatre London
Volcano, 2013
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Clerke and Joy
Dark Earth, 2013
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Eastern Angles
Island Drift, 2013, 2014
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Trans-Plantable Living Room, 2013
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Green Stage Theatre
Noye's Fludde, 2013
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Southbank Centre
Ours Was The Fen Country, 2013
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Still House
On Behalf of Nature, 2013
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Meredith Monk
Southbanquet, 2013
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Clare Patey
How to Occupy an Oil Rig, 2013
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Daniel Bye
Leaving Planet Earth, 2013
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Grid Iron Theatre Company
Darkside, 2013
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BBC Radio 2
Wildernest at the Beach House, 2013
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Dead Good Guides
Tidemark, 2013
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Dead Good Guides
Road Rage, 2013
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Garsington Opera at Wormsley
Famous Five Birds, 2013
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Nutmeg Puppet Company
Edinburgh Festival Fringe, 2013
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Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2013
HighTide Festival, 2013
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HighTide Festival Theatre
Oil City, 2013
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In The Beginning Was The End, 2013
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Away with the Birds / Air falbh leis na h-eoin, 2013, 2014
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Hanna Tuulikki
Moby Dick, 2013
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Arcola Theatre
Audible Forces, 2013
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Oxford Contemporary Music (OCM)
Above Me the Wide Blue Sky, 2013
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Fevered Sleep
A Life of Galileo, 2013
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Royal Shakespeare Company - Swan Theatre
Give Me Back My Broken Night, 2013
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Uninvited Guests
I Could Read the Sky, 2013
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Dead Good Guides
TERMINAL: A Miracle Play with Popular Music from the End of the World, 2013
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Pil and Galia Kollectiv
Tales from the Taiga, 2013
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Small World Theatre
I Love You But We Only Have Fourteen Minutes To Save The Earth, 2013
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Nathan Evans
The Long Life and Great Good Fortune of John Clare, 2012, 2013
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Eastern Angles
The Dark Earth and the Light Sky, 2012 - 2013
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Almeida Theatre
The Roadless Trip, 2012, 2013
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Volcano Theatre Company
2012 Opening Ceremony - Emergence Summit, 2012
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Dead Good Guides
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GreenandPleasantLand, 2012, 2013
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Tate à Tate, 2012
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The Nightingale, 2012, 2013
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Horse + Bamboo Theatre
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Àgata Alcañiz - Environmental Performance
Angus - Weaver of Grass, 2012, 2013
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Horse + Bamboo Theatre
Ghost Bird, 2012
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Louise Ann Wilson Company
Lifeguard, 2012
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National Theatre of Scotland
Noye's Fludde, 2012
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Mid Wales Opera
Edinburgh Festival Fringe, 2012
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Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2012
The Apple Fair, 2012
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Common Players
Speed of Light , 2012
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Ark-ive, 2012
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Ten Billion, 2012
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Royal Court Theatre - Jerwood Theatre Upstairs
Stand Up Diggers All, 2012
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Pentabus Theatre
A Funeral for the Caspian Tiger, 2012
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Feral Theatre
After the Storm, 2012 - 2013
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Dead Good Guides
The Just Price of Flowers, 2012 - 2013
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Stan's Cafe
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Alex Hartley
The Last Polar Bears, 2012
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National Theatre of Scotland
The Walk from the Garden, 2012
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Jonathan Dove
Crow, 2012
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Handspring Puppet Company UK
The Last Lunch, 2012
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Something Underground Theatre Company
26 and 7 Bones – the ‘and’ of the hand, 2012
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Sue Palmer
The Fisherman and the Mermaid, 2012
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Small World Theatre
Thin Ice, 2012
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Climate Week: Play in a Day, 2012
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Arcola Theatre
The Way of Water, 2012
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No Passport
After Miss Julie, 2012
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Young Vic
THE BOMB - a partial history, 2012
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Tricycle Theatre
Matt Henson: North Star, 2012
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Mojisola Adebayo
Diary Keepers, 2012 - 2013
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Anne-Marie Culhane
Remembering the Javan Tiger, 2012
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Royal Festival Hall
Triptych, 2012, 2013
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Feral Theatre
Adder, 2012
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MED Theatre
Catchment, 2012
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MED Theatre
Island, 2012
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National Theatre - Cottesloe Theatre
The Price of Everything, 2011, 2012, 2013
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Daniel Bye
Fixer, 2011
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Tales of the Country, 2011
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Pentabus Theatre
My Last Car, 2011 - 2014
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509 Arts
CHALK, 2011
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Ant Ballet, 2011 - 2013
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Ollie Palmer
A Beautiful Thing, 2011
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Barnaby Stone
As the World Tipped, 2011, 2013
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Wired Aerial Theatre
We're Gonna Make You Whole, 2011
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Immortalis Vox Productions
Intangible Cities of Margharita Monticiano, 2011
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Nutmeg Puppet Company
Charter of the Forest, 2011
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Lincoln Art Programme
Warplands, 2011
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Mike Pearson
Edinburgh Festival Fringe, 2011
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Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2011
Flesh & Blood and Fish & Fowl, 2011
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London International Mime Festival
A Funeral for Lost Species, 2011
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Feral Theatre
Seven Angels, 2011
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The Opera Group
No Access, 2011
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MED Theatre
Sward! The Story of a Meadow, 2011
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The Kingsnorth Six, 2011
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BBC Radio 4
Funeral for the Bali Tiger, 2011
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Feral Theatre
Fissure, 2011
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Louise Ann Wilson Company
Frankenstein, 2011
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National Theatre - Olivier Theatre
The Lightswitch Project, 2011
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The Lightswitch Collective
And the Rain Falls Down, 2011
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Fevered Sleep
Greenland, 2011
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National Theatre - Lyttelton Theatre
The Heretic, 2011
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Royal Court Theatre - Jerwood Theatre Downstairs
Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death, 2010
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Inconvenient Spoof
The Weather Factory, 2010
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Fevered Sleep
UGLY, 2010
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Red Ladder Theatre Company
The Last Cuckoo, 2010
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Lawrence Batley Theatre
Smuggler's Gold, 2010 - 2011
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Common Players
Green Stage Theatre playreadings, 2010
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Green Stage Theatre
Jack Scout, 2010
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Louise Ann Wilson Company
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The Jellyfish Theatre / OIKOS Project
OIKOS, 2010
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The Jellyfish Theatre / OIKOS Project
Green Stage Theatre projects, 2010
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Green Stage Theatre
Trashcatcher's Carnival, 2010
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Project Phakama UK
Great Glen Artists Airshow, 2010
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The Arts Catalyst
Whispering in the Leaves, 2010
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Chris Watson
S'warm, 2010
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National Youth Theatre of GB
Earthquakes in London, 2010
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National Theatre - Cottesloe Theatre
Witte Fietsenplan (White Bike Plan) , 2010
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The Pantry Shelf, 2010
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Team M & M
Edinburgh Festival Fringe, 2010
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Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2010
Birds with Skymirrors, 2010
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Edinburgh International Festival
3rd Ring Out: Rehearsing the Future, 2010
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The Man Who Fed Butterflies, 2010
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Edinburgh International Festival
Brown Hare, 2010
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MED Theatre
Blooming Snapdragons, 2010
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Liz Rothschild
TippingPoint Commissions, 2010 - 2011
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TippingPoint Commissions
Ditch, 2010
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The Old Vic Tunnels
Pip's Wildlife Garden, 2010
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Nutmeg Puppet Company
If There Is I Haven't Found It Yet, 2009
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Nick Payne
Dead Good Guides' Rites of Passage, 2009 - ongoing
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Dead Good Guides
A Marriage in the King's Forest, 2009
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Stour Valley Arts
A Little Patch of Ground, 2009 and ongoing
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A Kiss from the Last Grey Squirrel, 2009 - 2011
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Elyssa Livergant
The Forest, 2009 - 2012
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Fevered Sleep
The Comedy of Change, 2009, 2013
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Rambert Dance Company
SAGE (Sow and Grow Everywhere), 2009 and annually
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Vauxhall Pleasure, 2009
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Oxford Contemporary Music (OCM)
Origin of the Species, 2009
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Arcola Theatre
Deep Time Cabaret, 2009
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Horse + Bamboo Theatre
Origins, 2009
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Pentabus Theatre
Pigs, 2009
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Pentabus Theatre
EP_ Human Bin @ Temporary Autonomous Art (TAA), 2009
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Àgata Alcañiz - Environmental Performance
Jerusalem, 2009
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Royal Court Theatre - Jerwood Theatre Downstairs
Grasses of a Thousand Colors, 2009
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Royal Court Theatre - Jerwood Theatre Downstairs
Snow, 2009
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MED Theatre
When the Rain Stops Falling, 2009
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Almeida Theatre
Electric Field, 2009
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Being Carbon Neutral, 2009 - 2010
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Nutmeg Puppet Company
Edinburgh Festival Fringe, 2009
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Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2009
The Contingency Plan, 2009
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Bush Theatre
River's Up, 2009
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Oxfordshire Theatre Company
Roots, 2009
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Kilter Theatre
Salt, 2008
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Louise Ann Wilson Company
Still Life, 2008
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Louise Ann Wilson Company
An Enemy of the People, 2008
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Arcola Theatre
An Infinite Line: Brighton, 2008
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Fevered Sleep
Endangered Species, 2008
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Siobhan Davies Dance
COEDEUWYDD / Woman of the Trees, 2008 - 2009
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Small World Theatre
Cloudcuckooland, 2008 - 2009
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The Onassis Programme
Oh My Green Soapbox, 2008 - 2009
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Zameen (Land), 2008
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Kali Theatre
Why the Whales Came, 2008
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National Theatre - Cottesloe Theatre
Glacier, 2008
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Tilted Productions
The Living Unknown Soldier, 2008
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Arcola Theatre
Tinderbox, 2008
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Bush Theatre
Amazonia, 2008
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People's Palace Projects
World at One short plays: global warming, 2008
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Zeitgeist Theatre
Edinburgh Festival Fringe, 2008
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Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2008
EP_Human Bin, 2008
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Àgata Alcañiz - Environmental Performance
EP_Liverpool, 2008
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Àgata Alcañiz - Environmental Performance
Back on Track, 2008
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Kilter Theatre
Hot Air, 2008
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MED Theatre
H2hOpe: The Water Diviner's Tale, 2007
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BBC Proms
Air Traffic Controllers, 2007, 2009
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Anne-Marie Culhane
Carrlands, 2007 - 2008
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Mike Pearson
Angels in America, 2007
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Lyric Hammersmith
Long Shore Drift, 2007
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War Horse, 2007
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Handspring Puppet Company, South Africa
Water, 2007, 2011, 2013
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Filter Theatre
Crown Prince, 2007
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Hull Truck Theatre
The Sabbats, 2007 - 2008
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Feral Theatre
Invisible Bonfires, 2007
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Forkbeard Fantasy
Feast on the Bridge, 2007, annually to 2011
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Clare Patey
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Another Kind of Silence, 2007 - 2008
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Liz Rothschild
The Hunting Season, 2007
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Pentabus Theatre
Remote Patrol, 2007
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Kilter Theatre
Meetings, 2007
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Knowlittle, 2007
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Nutmeg Puppet Company
One, Nineteen, 2007
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Net Curtains Theatre Company
Rhinoceros, 2007
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Royal Court Theatre - Jerwood Theatre Downstairs
Field Sensing, 2007 and ongoing
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Anne-Marie Culhane
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A Second to Midnight, 2007
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BBC Radio 4
EAT London, 2007
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London International Festival of Theatre (LIFT)
King's Wood Symphony, 2007
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Stour Valley Arts
The Curse of the Grabbers, 2007
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Paradox Theatre
Conference of the Birds, 2007 - 2009
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A Need for Speed, 2007
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Fresh Air Theatre
Futurology: A Global Revue, 2007
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National Theatre of Scotland
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Moj of the Antarctic: An African Odyssey, 2006 - 2008
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Mojisola Adebayo
And While London Burns, 2006 - 2007
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The Man Who Planted Trees, 2006 - 2013
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Puppet State Theatre Company
Clare's Walk, 2006
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Menagerie Theatre Company
Walking to Save Some Sea, 2006 and continuing
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Fran Crowe
The Legend of Slim McBride and the Lost Tribe, 2006 - 2007
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Scottish Opera
Faustus, 2006
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Headlong Theatre
Strawberry Fields, 2006
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Pentabus Theatre
Cider with Roadies, 2006 - 2011
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Common Players
Score for a Hole in the Ground, 2006 - 2011
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Stour Valley Arts
It Is Like It Ought To Be: A Pastoral, 2006 - 2008
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Uninvited Guests
Transglobal duets, 2006 - 2007
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Anne-Marie Culhane
We Turned on the Light, 2006
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BBC Proms
Home of the Wriggler, 2006
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Stan's Cafe
White Open Spaces, 2006 - 2007
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Pentabus Theatre
No Planet B: The History Of The World Backwards, 2006
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Tricycle Theatre
In the Shadow of Trees, 2006
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Horse + Bamboo Theatre
The Wolves in the Walls, 2006
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National Theatre of Scotland
EP_Landfill, 2006
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Àgata Alcañiz - Environmental Performance
Promise on Earth, 2006
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Konflux Theatre in Education
The Land, 2006
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the Lions part
Elsie Piddock Skips in Her Sleep, 2006
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The Paddock
Something to Dance About, 2006
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The Paddock
High Plateau, 2006
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MED Theatre
Longline: the carnival opera, 2006
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Welfare State International
An Enemy of the People, 2006
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Tara Arts
An Enemy of the People, 2006
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Wokingham Theatre
Côt Myrddyn - Merlin's Coat, 2006
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Small World Theatre
Nebulous, 2006
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BBC Radio 4
The Storr: Unfolding Landscape, 2005
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It Is For The Tiger, 2005 - 2009
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Sue Palmer
Botany Begins at Home, 2005
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Horse + Bamboo Theatre
Early One Morning, 2005
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Horse + Bamboo Theatre
Windy Old Weather, 2005, 2013
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Nutmeg Puppet Company
GEOGRAPH: Trace, Vanishing Point, 2005
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Metamorphosis, 2005
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Welfare State International
Barebones, 2005
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Welfare State International
Sheepskin, 2005 - 2007
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Organic Theatre
Gulp!, 2005
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Konflux Theatre in Education
Mulgrave, 2005
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wilson + wilson
Corn Dollies, 2005
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Anne-Marie Culhane
Weeping Ocean, 2005
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Anne-Marie Culhane
The Giant's Foot, 2005
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Anne-Marie Culhane
Caerdroia, 2005 - 2010
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Anne-Marie Culhane
Footprints in the Sky, 2005
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Paradox Theatre
The Man from the Council, 2005 and in repertory
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MOMO Theatre
Roots, 2005
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MED Theatre
The Saladinis, 2005
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Fresh Air Theatre
Kevin Graal's projects 2004 - 2005, 2004 - 2005
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Kevin Graal
Freedom in The City, 2004
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The Rubbish Monster, 2004
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Nutmeg Puppet Company
What on Earth!?, 2004 - 2005
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Konflux Theatre in Education
The Weather, 2004
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Royal Court Theatre - Jerwood Theatre Upstairs
You've Made a Meal of That, 2004 and in repertory
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MOMO Theatre
Elephant, 2004
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Dodgy Clutch Theatre Company
Messenger, 2004
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Bird Song, 2004
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Siobhan Davies Dance
Camellia House, 2004
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Anne-Marie Culhane
Last Blackbird, 2004
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Anne-Marie Culhane
RED EARTH's rituals, 2003 - 2004
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One Rock - An Ecological Triptych, 2003
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Welfare State International
Of All The People In All The World, 2003 and ongoing
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Stan's Cafe
Rare Earth, 2003
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Konflux Theatre in Education
Apple Pip, 2003
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Nutmeg Puppet Company
Feast Your Eyes, 2003 - 2004
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Fevered Sleep
October Plenty, 2003 - 2006
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the Lions part
Chemical Mix, 2003
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Hothouse, 2003
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Heatwave, 2003
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Nutmeg Puppet Company
Silence of a Dale (2001), 2003
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Harrogate Theatre Productions
Red Sun, 2003
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AJTC Theatre Company
An Enemy of the People, 2003
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The Union Theatre
Frog in Love, 2003
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Tiebreak Touring Theatre
Visit, 2003
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EARTH WATER SKY, 2002 - 2003
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Kevin Graal
Renga Dances, 2002 - 2004
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Anne-Marie Culhane
Almost Human, 2002
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Lynx Theatre in Education Projects
Auntie Janet Saves the Planet, 2002, 2005
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Scottish Opera
A Way of Life, 2002
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Blooming Weed, 2002
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Nutmeg Puppet Company
Car-less Talk!, 2002 and in repertory
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MOMO Theatre
An Enemy of the People, 2002
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Clwyd Theatr Cymru
Taylor's Trailer and the Tractor Factor, 2002
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Common Players
Turning of the Tide, 2002
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Common Players
Beech, 2002
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Anne-Marie Culhane
One Dark Night, 2002
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Tiebreak Touring Theatre
The Price of Clouds, 2001
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Sue Palmer
The Theft of Sita, 2001
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London International Festival of Theatre (LIFT)
Red Skies Over the Severn, 2001
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Lance Woodman
Whose Land Is It Anyway?, 2001
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Stepping Stones Theatre in Education
Frankenstein, 2001, 2002
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Forkbeard Fantasy
Kevin Graal's projects 2001 - 2003, 2001 - 2003
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Kevin Graal
Keep Off the Path, 2001 - 2002
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Common Players
Food for Thought, Wild-Life & Breathing Space, 2001
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Stepping Stones Theatre in Education
RED EARTH's rituals, 2001 - 2002
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Hive & Aquifer, 2001
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Breath, 2001
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Wheelie Bins, 2001
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You're Rubbish!, 2001 and in repertory
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MOMO Theatre
Tutu and the Sky Goddess, 2001 and in repertory
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Nutmeg Puppet Company
Yew Wood, Wouldn't You?, 2001
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The Path, 2000
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Ghost Nets 2, 2000
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Kneehigh Theatre
Norah's Ark, 2000
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Lynx Theatre in Education Projects
Norah's Ark, 2000, 2002
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Konflux Theatre in Education
Magic Sky. Magic Earth, 2000
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Pentabus Theatre
On the Slate, 2000
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Pentabus Theatre
Moon, 2000
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Anne-Marie Culhane
Shrine, Outcrop & Channel, 2000
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Don't Chill Out, 2000 and in repertory
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MOMO Theatre
Bringing the Rainforest into Your School, 2000
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Green Light Trust
The Riot, 2000
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Kneehigh Theatre
Green Man, 2000
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Konflux 'Play in a Day', 1999 - 2013
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Konflux Theatre in Education
One World, 1999 and ongoing
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Konflux Theatre in Education
killing us softly / Desk Killer, 1999
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Croissant Neuf Circus, 1999 and ongoing
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Green Roadshow
Days of Plenty, 1999
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Eastern Angles
The Cry of the Bittern, 1999
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BBC Radio 4
HEVVA !, 1999
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Kneehigh Theatre
Noah's Park, 1999
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Nutmeg Puppet Company
Saving Energy, 1999
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Lynx Theatre in Education Projects
She Thinks She's a Fish, 1999
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Dodgy Clutch Theatre Company
Threshing About, 1999
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Common Players
Walkabout, 1999 and ongoing
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MOMO Theatre
Bottle Busters, 1999
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6.15 Theatre Company
May Games, Bringing in the May, 1999
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the Lions part
Transmutation, Beacon, Flux & Dark Matter, 1998 - 2001
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The Barbers of Surreal, 1998
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Forkbeard Fantasy
Elspeth Penny's productions, 1998 - 2004
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Elspeth Penny
The Secret Sign, 1998
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The Selfish Shellfish, 1998, 2001
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Konflux Theatre in Education
A Geological Cookery Class, 1998
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Environmental Arts Theatre Company
Green Roadshow Circus Acts, 1998 - 2000
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Green Roadshow
Leech!, 1998 - 2002
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Butterfly Rover, 1998
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Nutmeg Puppet Company
Alum Halus & Water Crossing, 1998
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The Podfather, 1998
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Common Players
The English Park: A Murder Mystery, 1998
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Louise Warren
Dance to My Tune, 1998
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Lynx Theatre in Education Projects
Epitaph for the Whales, 1998
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Gate Theatre
Broccoli and Sprouts Environmental Clown Show, 1998
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Green Roadshow
Végétal, 1997
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Régine Chopinot
The Man With Green Hair, 1997
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Bristol Old Vic
An Enemy of the People, 1997
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National Theatre - Olivier Theatre
Following the Stars, 1997
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Nutmeg Puppet Company
EATC short productions, 1997 - 2002
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Environmental Arts Theatre Company
Harvest of Ghosts, 1997
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Horse + Bamboo Theatre
Carpel and Stamen, 1997
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Fevered Sleep
Manifiesto de la Selva, 1997 - 1998
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Small World Theatre
Hope Deferred, 1997
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Chris Ballance
The Women Who Threw the Day Away, 1997
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Kneehigh Theatre
90% CRUDE / Unraveling the Carbon Web, 1996
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RED EARTH's rituals, 1996 - 1997
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Robin Hood and the Sherwood Experience, 1996, 2004
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Common Players
Greening the Mountain, 1996
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CHOL Theatre
Fields, 1996
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Eastern Angles
Fossil Woman, 1996 - 1998
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Louise Warren
Island, 1996
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Ghost Nets, 1996
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Kneehigh Theatre
Menace of the Mud Monster, 1996
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Nutmeg Puppet Company
The Road, 1996
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Environmental Arts Theatre Company
Eco-Puppets Project, 1995 - 1999
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Nutmeg Puppet Company
An Elephant Called Slowly, 1995, 2000, 2001
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Dodgy Clutch Theatre Company
Dex Dipper and Wyrd Walks, 1995 - 1996
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The Shorewatchers' House, 1995
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Judy Upton
Three Tides Turning, 1995
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Louise Warren
The Pine and the Eagle, 1995
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Environmental Arts Theatre Company
Wild Works!, 1995
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Kneehigh Theatre
Sonia the Baby Seal, 1995
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The Last Rainforest, 1995
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Yarner Wood Landscape Plays, 1995 - 2000
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Return of the Copper Flyer, 1994
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Nutmeg Puppet Company
Warped Windows, 1994 - 1995
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Out of the Skip, 1994
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Environmental Arts Theatre Company
Court in the Woods, 1994
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Leaves among Thorns, 1994, 1996
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Eric the Eaglet from Outer Space, 1994
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A Load of Old Rubbish, 1994 - 1997
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Emergency Exit Arts
Impossible Theatre's walks and works, 1994 - 2000
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Impossible Theatre
Beneath the Waves, 1993
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Eastern Angles
DELTA, 1993
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Danger My Ally, 1993
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Kneehigh Theatre
Forest for Our Children, 1993
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Green Light Trust
The Dream, 1993
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Louise Warren
A Scottish Reservation, 1993
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Chris Ballance
The Factory, 1993
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Environmental Arts Theatre Company
Angels in America, 1992
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National Theatre - Cottesloe Theatre
The Wilderness, 1992
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MED Theatre
Still Waters, 1992
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Rhino, 1992 - 1993
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Dodgy Clutch Theatre Company
Lost Forest of Caledon, 1992
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Environmental Arts Theatre Company
Sinking Ark, 1992
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Environmental Arts Theatre Company
Sweet Fancy, 1992 - 1995
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Chris Ballance
Transport Wars, 1992
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Environmental Arts Theatre Company
Arctic Heart, 1991
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Siobhan Davies Dance
Kevin Graal's projects 1991 - 2000, 1991 - 2000
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Kevin Graal
The Bees, 1991
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MED Theatre
Weatherhouse, 1991
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PAX, 1991
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Brith Gof
A Day Out at Partick Beach, 1991
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Environmental Arts Theatre Company
Sorted, 1990
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Floating Point Science Theatre
The Salmon, 1990
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MED Theatre
Just Right, 1990
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Floating Point Science Theatre
Tiebreak's productions, 1990 - 1994
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Tiebreak Touring Theatre
Wild Walks ! , 1990 - 1994
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Kneehigh Theatre
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Water of Life, 1989 - 1990
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Chris Ballance
A Serious Leak, 1989, 1990
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Forkbeard Fantasy
Whale – The Story of Putu, Siku and K'nik
, 1989
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National Theatre - Lyttelton Theatre
Common Players' productions 1989 - 1999, 1989 - 1999
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Common Players
A Word about Waves, 1988
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Beltane Fire Festival , 1988 and annually
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The Cressida Folly, 1988
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Forkbeard Fantasy
Wyoming, 1988
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Siobhan Davies Dance
The Red Strimmers, 1988
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Forkbeard Fantasy
The Green Woman, 1988
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MED Theatre
An Enemy of the People, 1988
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Young Vic
The Swallows, 1987
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MED Theatre
Salt and Slack Water, 1987
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Psyche! Open the Box!, 1986, 1989, 1990, 2013
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Nutmeg Puppet Company
A Second Soaking, 1986
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Out with the Ark, 1986
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Natural Causes, 1985
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Eastern Angles
Operation KBT (Keep Britain Tidy), 1985 - 1987
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6.15 Theatre Company
The Energized Guyz, 1984 - 1988
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6.15 Theatre Company
Origin of the Species, 1984
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Monstrous Regiment-Birmingham Repertory Theatre
The Reapers Year, 1984
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Eastern Angles
The Hedge, 1984
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MED Theatre
The Sea Saw Red II, 1984
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A Drop in the Ocean, 1984
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Seol, 1984
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Horse + Bamboo Theatre
The Brontosaurus Show, 1983
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Forkbeard Fantasy
The Patience of Fossils, 1983
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Carnival / Carnival of the Animals, 1982, 2008
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Siobhan Davies Dance
When the Boats Came In, 1982
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Eastern Angles
The Trumpet Rat and Other Natural Curiosities, 1981 - 1982
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Small Heads (Don’t Wear Big Hats)!, 1981
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Horse + Bamboo Theatre
The Badgers, 1980
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MED Theatre
The Homemade Circus, 1980
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Horse + Bamboo Theatre
The Clone Show, 1979
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Forkbeard Fantasy
Power Mad, 1979 - 1980
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Red Ladder Theatre Company
Landmarks, 1979
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Chester Gateway Theatre
Journey of the Treeman, 1978, 1987 - 1988
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On An Uncertain Insect, 1978
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Forkbeard Fantasy
Small World's projects, 1979 - 1987
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Small World Theatre
The Cranium Show, 1976
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Forkbeard Fantasy
An Enemy of the People, 1975
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Chichester Festival Theatre
Experiments, 1974, 1975
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Forkbeard Fantasy
An Enemy of the People, 1974
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Aldywch Theatre
The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black, Black Oil, 1973
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7:84 (Scotland) Theatre Company
Not Not Not Not Not Enough Oxygen, 1971
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BBC Radio 3
Noye's Fludde, 1958
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Aldeburgh Music Festival
Moby Dick Rehearsed, 1955
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Duke of York Theatre
An Enemy of the People, 1939
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The Old Vic
An Enemy of the People, 1909
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Her Majesty's Theatre
An Enemy of the People, 1905
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Her Majesty's Theatre
An Enemy of the People, 1893
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Theatre Royal Haymarket

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