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 Green Stage Theatre

Green Stage Theatre projects
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theatre, site-specific theatre
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We began with a series of playful workshops which explored physical theatre, site-specific theatre, Forum Theatre and eco-interpretation of text. Over the course of eight weeks a group of 12 writers and performers created the devised play, Unplugged, performed outdoors at Regent's Park and Spitalfields City Farm in Many and June.

Nature of Food: Devising Food Conscious Theatre
a workshop at Union Street Urban Orchard.

Forest Trails and Urban Tales
A devised show, it was set in King Henry's Walk Gardens. This promenade performance in September 2010 took audiences on an immersive journey through the wood at the end of the garden, to meet its somewhat grumpy and cramped inhabitants.

Posh Phones and Bolt Wheevils
A piece of invisible theatre written by Persephone Pearl of Feral Theatre and performed on South Bank and on the tube on the day of climate action 10:10:10.
A heated debate between two friends in it soured to tackle issues of land-use, climate change and resource depletion.

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Green Stage Theatre (view company features page)


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