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Oh My Green Soapbox
jumbled omgsoapbox
Oh My Green Soapbox

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2008 - 2009
Edinburgh Festival Fringe
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oh my green sopabox
With some stuff she found in her bedroom and her hired polar bear suit, Lucy Foster will attempt to evoke the beautiful white world melting below our feet. With wry humour, she invites you to take a look at how the desire to love the planet and to love another human being can sometimes become confused.
    'For my small audience I will launch a really big campaign. This one will be different from other campaigns. This one will be the one where things really change! This one will make us feel like different people. Or not even like people any more. Like birds, like trees, like the sea, like the mountains.'
Oh My Green Soap Box, written and performed by Lucy Foster, and directed by Mike Tweddle, grew out of a mentoring retreat with Guy Dartnell in 2007, part of the peer-mentoring scheme run by Artsadmin. It also had a period of research and development at Battersea Arts Centre.

It has been performed at the Shunt Vaults; Camden People's Theatre, as part of the Sprint Festival 2008; Sophiensaele and Hebbel Am Ufer in Berlin, where it won best show at the 100° Festival 2008.

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