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 Feral Theatre

feral tryptich

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2012, 2013
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Tryptch was winner of The Best New Play award at the Brighton Fringe, 2012.

Tryptych was performed again in Brighton, 30 May - 2 June 2013.

    At the Brighton Fringe, and around Brighton's oldest building, St. Peter's Church, Preston Park, Feral Theatre presented three solo works fusing puppetry, physical theatre and aerial skills.

    The three productions are explorations of loss and metamorphosis. In Papusza, a Romany storyteller tell of freedoms lost. The journey of the last Eskimo curlew and of love on the edge of extinction is witnessed in The Last of the Curlews. Rites of passage, activism and transformation combine in TreeStory, an aerial account of the battle for Newbury woods, cut down to make way for a bypass.

    'Three ways of fighting, three ways of dying'.

writers: Feral Theatre’s co-directors Rachel Porter, Persephone Pearl and Emily Laurens
score performed by composer Tom Cook

The Last of the Curlews was also performed as part of the Ghosts of Gone Birds exhibition at the ONCA Gallery, Brighton, 10 -11 January 2013, and at the TEDx Whitechapel.

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Feral Theatre (view company features page)
t: 01273 - 819 346
07960 794 408

Brighton, Sussex

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