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 the Lions part

The Land
lions part - the land
The Land

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The Land, the epic poem by Vita Sackville-West, is adapted and performed by Sonia Ritter and Tim Laycock with new and traditional music and natural sound.

‘The country habit has me by the heart…’

The power of The Land lies in its celebration of rural England and particularly the Weald of Kent where Sackville-West lived. The poet is the narrator and protagonist, an intimate lover of the soil who shares the cycle of the farmer’s year without sentimentality. She follows the seasons with those who work the soil, revelling and wrestling with the seasonal forces of the natural world and their astonishing beauty.

The conflict and collaboration between humankind and the Earth that lies at the heart of Sackville-West's narrative is as relevant today as it was in 1926.

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19 Clifton Crescent
SE15 2RX

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