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bringing together environmentalism and performance
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Ashden Directory wins AWEinspiring Award
New metaphors for sustainability: metaphors for the continuation of life
Our DVD of New Metaphors for Sustainability
Steve Waters
Ashden Directory DVD on climate change and theatre
ADEP - EMOS transcript
Vandana Shiva
Richard Mabey
Jonathon Porritt
Puppet Wranglers
Climate debate
Theatres go green
David Rothenberg with the whales
Cape Farewell 2008
Siân Ede
Samantha Ellis
Zameen (Land)
John Fox
David Rothenberg - Why Birds Sing
Common Ground's Confluence
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Landing Stages ebook

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Ashden Directory, Ashdenizen and Landing Stages win CIWEM's 2015 Nick Reeves AWEinspiring Award

The editors, Wallace Heim, Robert Butler, Kellie Gutman and Eleanor Margolies write:

We are honoured to announce that the Ashden Directory, Ashdenizen and Landing Stages have been awarded the 2015 Nick Reeves AWEinspiring Award for Arts, Water and the Environment.

The award is presented by CIWEM, the Arts and Environment Network of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management, in association with CCANW, the Centre for Contemporary Art and the Natural World.

Each year, on the Directory and Ashdenizen, we looked forward to announcing the winner, never expecting to be on the other side of the story. We have long appreciated the work of the late Nick Reeves, and the Arts and Environment strand of CIWEM, which has shown the way for other organisations to acknowledge and incorporate the arts in their thinking and in their work.

In making the award, CIWEM found that 'the vision, intention and execution of the Directory has been far-reaching, and represents an impressively deep treatment of ecology in theatre and the performing arts over many years.'

We are very proud to be included in the company of past winners and would like to thank also the many artists and writers whose pioneering work has provided the inspiration for the Ashden Directory, Ashdenizen and Landing Stages.

The Nick Reeves AWEinspiring Award celebrates projects that have contributed innovatively to CIWEM's vision of 'putting creativity at the heart of environmental policy and action.'

The judging panel also awarded a Special Commendation to Touchstone Collaborations for their trans-disciplinary work in social engagement, including research on ecological thinking for sustaining cultures in balance with nature.

For more information on the award:

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