The Ashden Directory
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the weather
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oresteia cassandra
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and while london burns
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3rd ring out
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war horse
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feast on the bridge '09
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bringing together environmentalism and performance
The Ashden Directory
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your are in:  features and interviews
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directory database
features and interviews
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Ashden Directory wins AWEinspiring Award
New metaphors for sustainability: metaphors for the continuation of life
Our DVD of New Metaphors for Sustainability
Steve Waters
Ashden Directory DVD on climate change and theatre
ADEP - EMOS transcript
Vandana Shiva
Richard Mabey
Jonathon Porritt
Puppet Wranglers
Climate debate
Theatres go green
David Rothenberg with the whales
Cape Farewell 2008
Siân Ede
Samantha Ellis
Zameen (Land)
John Fox
David Rothenberg - Why Birds Sing
Common Ground's Confluence
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Landing Stages ebook

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Ashden Directory DVD : Six ways to look at climate change and theatre - our online film for 'Earth Matters on Stage'

The Ashden Directory branches out into film-making with our DVD, 'What can be asked? What can be shown? British theatre and performance in the time of climate instability'.

For the film, we asked six people to come up with a question about climate change and performance. We then gave that question to another of the six to answer.

You also can watch each person's contribution as a separate sequence:

dan gretton
Dan Gretton
Dan Gretton, co-founder of PLATFORM
responds to Mojisola Adebayo's question,
'How far is art worth the damage?'
watch here




clare patey
Clare Patey
Clare Patey, artist and curator
responds to Dan Gretton's question,
'Can you talk about the role that slowing down and reflectivity plays, both in your creative process and your interaction with your audiences?'
watch here


João André da Rocha
João André da Rocha

João André da Rocha, performer, producer, People's Palace Projects and Nós do Morro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
responds to Clare Patey's question,
'How can we reunite culture and agriculture through performance?'
A transcript is here
watch here


paul heritage
Paul Heritage
Paul Heritage, producer, director People’s Palace Projects and Queen Mary's University
responds to João André da Rocha's question,
'What steps are you taking to decrease the impact of your life in the world?'
watch here




wallace heim
Wallace Heim
Wallace Heim, co-editor Ashden Directory, academic
responds to Paul Heritage's question,
'How can we listen to, see, feel and learn from those who are talked about rather than those who are talking in the great climate change debate?'
watch here




Mojisola Adebayo
Mojisola Adebayo, artist, theatre-maker
responds to Wallace Heim's question,
'What would you keep from theatre and performance practice and what needs to change in response to climate instability?'
watch here




The film is edited by Adam Clarke and directed by Wallace Heim.

'What can be asked? What can be shown? British theatre and performance in the time of climate instability'

published in 2009

Prompted by wanting to participate in the symposium 'Earth Matters on Stage' at the University of Oregon, but without flying, we hosted a satellite conference session, with the DVD acting as an introduction to the people here participating in that discussion.

The DVD stands alone, too, setting out some of the pressing issues and concerns about theatre-making now.

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