The Ashden Directory
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the weather
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oresteia cassandra
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and while london burns
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3rd ring out
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war horse
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feast on the bridge '09
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bringing together environmentalism and performance
The Ashden Directory
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your are in:  features and interviews
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directory database
features and interviews
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Ashden Directory wins AWEinspiring Award
New metaphors for sustainability: metaphors for the continuation of life
Our DVD of New Metaphors for Sustainability
Steve Waters
Ashden Directory DVD on climate change and theatre
ADEP - EMOS transcript
Vandana Shiva
Richard Mabey
Jonathon Porritt
Puppet Wranglers
Climate debate
Theatres go green
David Rothenberg with the whales
Cape Farewell 2008
Siân Ede
Samantha Ellis
Zameen (Land)
John Fox
David Rothenberg - Why Birds Sing
Common Ground's Confluence
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Landing Stages ebook

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Film launches Ashden Directory & Ashdenizen project to find metaphors for sustainability

By Another Name: New Metaphors for Sustainability

To launch the Ashden Directory and Ashdenizen's major new project on metaphors for sustainability, we've produced a new DVD, devised and directed by Wallace Heim.

Sustainability is a concept without strong or imaginative metaphors. Over the next months, we'll ask artists, scientists, activists and cultural commentators to suggest a metaphor for sustainability. We're starting with these four people.

We will continue to present more new metaphors on Ashdenizen and here on the Directory.

You can watch the complete film embedded above, or each person's contribution as a separate sequence:

James Marriott, artist and activist, PLATFORM
The sailboat

Carolyn Steel, food urbanist
The timeless meal

Zoë Svendsen, theatre director, researcher

Ansuman Biswas, artist
The breath

The editor was Tom Lloyd, Dreamtime Film. The film was shown at the Staging Sustainability conference, York University, Toronto, 20 - 22 April 2011.

Thanks for their help with the production to Michael Burke, Alison Catterall, Anne Greene, Christina West.

published in 2011

The project continues with new metaphors added throughout 2011 here on the Ashden Directory and on Ashdenizen.


All the metaphors, and their contributors, are featured here.


Ashdenizen blogs:
new metaphors for sustainability would need to range from "resilience" and "symbiosis" to "anxiety"

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