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  Editor's note: Jactito started in the 1980's and ended as a company in the late 1990's.

The name of our company is from the Latin 'Jacio' ('J' is pronounced as a 'Y'). It means to be highly expressive, to perform in a public place, to throw a javelin (which we don't do). 'Theatre can save the world' is our philosophy. Our performances address issues in a manner that leaves the audience questioning their own actions, opinions and motives in addressing environmental and political problems.

We use visual theatre, masks, puppets, dance and mime.

Productions and Projects

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Sonia the Baby Seal
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Sonia is a baby seal who gets swept away from her home in the Arctic by the melting polar caps. She wants to get home because the sea creatures are meeting to celebrate the coming of summer with the Festival of Light.

A snowman tells Sonia to wish when the new moon rises, and indeed help does come from a polar bear.

Jactito's music scene encompasses exotic multi-coloured fish, underwater creatures, dancing penguins, centipedes, and their usual case of at least seventy puppets, all celebrating the Festival of Light.

rod and glove puppet show for the 4 - 11 age range


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The Last Rainforest
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Harry has green fingers - but even he could not have anticipated the visitation in the cabbage patch!! This leads him into unknown realms - so rich in life - a treasure trove of amazing creatures, beautiful birds and incredible plant life - the rainforest!

Yet wherever treasure lies, there will always be those who wish to plunder. Having discovered this wondrous place, Harry is now faced with a frightening reality - the destruction and plunder of this rich environment for profit! Can Harry, armed with only his green fingers and with the help of his dog ever hope to make a difference?

The Last Rainforest has dancers, actors, puppeteers operating 94 puppets presenting the wondrous, miraculous life of a rainforest being destroyed for paper and medicines.


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Eric the Eaglet from Outer Space
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Planet Earth is in trouble. Charlotte the Caterpillar and Stanley the Stork know that their rainforest is in need of help. Eric the Eaglet from outer space suddenly lands in the heart of their rainforest. Has he come to invade it or to rescue it? Help comes from his space egg machine which saves all the creatures who live in one of the oldest ecosystems on the Planet Earth.

a play for the 5 - 11 age range




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